This and That From Bill’s Hat - The Book

One of 16 songs written for the CD “Fun Songs From Bill’s Hat”

I like the good parts. Don't like the bad parts. I like the good parts.
They make me glad. But sometimes the bad parts, could be good parts. That means the bad parts may not be so bad

I like to watch TV, but don't like the ads.
Some things I think are good. Some things I think are bad.
I go to a movie, for the action stuff.
Don't like the parts with mushy old love.
When I ate an apple, I took the skin off first.
I like the apple, but skin is the worst.
But one day a doctor, said skin is good for you,
Now I leave the skin on whenever I chew

One kid's garbage is another one's gold.
We all have different tastes, I've been told.
Different pieces make up each and every thing.
I like a balloon. But my cat likes the string.

Sis likes lily pads. I like green frogs.
Mom she likes flowers. Birds like the bugs.
I like buttered popcorn. I eat it by the bag.
But the hard parts at the bottom nearly make me gag.
In art I took some paper and cut out a star.
My friend he took the scrap, and he made a car.
Why would you throw a way, some leftover bit,
when somebody may have a good idea for it?
I like the good parts any old day,
but sometimes the bad parts may be OK.





This and That From Bill's Hat - the Book

The book that matches the CD; text and full color illustrations by Bill. 11”x8.5” Soft cover.  $10.00

36 pages, text and full color illustrations by Bill. 11”x8.5”. $10.00






fun books

children's book

Bill's Hat


...and much more


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